Analysis & Reporting

Incredible client experience with instant analysis, beautiful visualizations and interactive reports.
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Beautiful Financial Dashboards

  • Elegant visualizations help you spot trends
  • Download any data visualization to use elsewhere
  • Export as PDF to add custom narratives
Dashboards and visualizations

Drill Down Analysis

  • Drill Downs available for any data element
  • Slice by transaction, customer or supplier
  • Download any details directly from Telemetry
Transaction level drill downs

Customer & Supplier Reports

  • Instantly compare any timeframes and calculate deltas
  • Better monitor your biggest expenses
  • Download any details as Excel, CSV or PDF
Customer and supplier reports

AI Assistant Reporting

  • AI Assistant available to answer any question
  • Create charts and graphs with simple questions
  • Slice data by org, customer, supplier or transaction details
AI assistant and generated graphs

Start Today for Free!

Fully onboard in under an hour
Soc2 Type II certified
Free trial for individual companies and free clients for accounting firms
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