November Release | Enhanced Personalization, PDF Exports, and More!

New and improved capabilities:

Personalized Home Page

You can now configure the homepage to pre-select the charts and plans that matter to you most when you load the home page. The new Plans summary table keeps you and your team up to date on the high level details. Simply click the buttons to explore plan details.

PDF Reports!

Our data tables and reports can now be exported to a PDF format. On export choose an optional display of summary text and branded logos so you can better represent the most important points to your team and clients.

Monthly and Quarterly Plan Views

Your plan destinations can now easily be updated to display in monthly, quarterly or yearly format. Simply use the new convenient toggle or jump into the plan settings to setup your default preference.

Other Optimizations

As periods are selected, you’ll now see the exact dates the platform is using for comparison.

Our cash flow charts have been updated to bring you more information.

Pro Tips

Explore customers and suppliers in Insights

Instant comparison and transaction drill-downs are available at your fingertips. It's never been easier to stay on top of your revenue and spending drivers. See it in action in the insights section enabling:

  • Rapid discovery: Easily locate any Customer or Supplier using our lightning-fast typeahead search
  • Effortlessly monitor changes: Instantly spot deltas between any two periods
  • Empower your data: Seamlessly download tables for use in your spreadsheets
  • Unlock insights: Explore every transaction and journal entry detail by simply clicking on any number

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